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Photo of Daniel Sharples
Daniel Sharples
Community Development Director Administration

I have lived in Tulsa most of my life but love to travel as much as I can. I also enjoy reading, writing about television and film, doing crossword puzzles, playing basketball, and walking my dogs in our neighborhood. My wife, son, and I live near downtown Tulsa so you can frequently find us dining or wandering around there.

I’ve been involved in youth development and education for over twenty years now, but I love my work most with TSAS. Our community is a weird and wonderful place to work and I think we’re doing something remarkable in education: It is humane, it is innovative, and it is providing a space for personal growth for all the stakeholders involved. My position allows me to see all aspects of our school’s past, present, and future, and what I witness on a daily basis makes me excited about what is ahead.

Email: dsharples@tsas.org

Room: 104 D

Educational Background:

  • Master’s in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Oklahoma (in progress)
  • Graduate coursework in Secondary Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Oklahoma
Photo of Dr. Liesa Smith
Dr. Liesa Smith
Head of School Administration

Though I was born far away in California, I am proud to be an Oklahoman who has lived for 4 decades in Tulsa. I have invested more than 20 years as a career educator and am grateful for the ways I have been transformed by my years at TSAS, and that my four children had the privilege of graduating from TSAS as well. I love learning and spend as much time as I can reading books, writing, practicing artistic pursuits, cooking, and enjoying nature. I think that good conversations, time with family and friends, coffee, and dogs bring beauty to the mess of life.

I am honored to be a school leader at TSAS because it is a learning community focused on the human experience of teaching and learning. It is a school concerned about the whole person and committed to nurturing the potential and growth of each individual student. The teachers at TSAS care about each student’s academic achievement as well as their human journey. On an almost daily basis I am awed by our relational environment and the ways it supports and encourages both students and the faculty. Our school community is made up of people who care deeply about intellectual pursuits, creativity, innovation and humanity.There’s no place like TSAS and I am honored to contribute to this special school.

Email: lsmith@tsas.org

Room: 201

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies from Oklahoma State University
  • Masters of Education in School Administration from Northeastern State university
  • Bachelor of Arts in English, Fine Art & Education from the University of Tulsa
  • Associate of Arts in Fine Art from Tulsa Junior College
Photo of Jesse Stallings
Jesse Stallings
Librarian, Director of Data and Transparency Administration

I started at TSAS in 2006 as a substitute barely three years older than my students. I was hired full-time the next year, teaching World Lit, Brit Lit, The Graphic Novel, YA Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Contemporary Nonfiction, Mythology, AP Lang, and Computers I and II over the next ten years. Seeing a need to better serve our graduates, I created the College & Career Counselor position; then, seeing a further need, I began building our library. When I’m not at TSAS I’m working on my house, building drawing machines, knitting/crocheting, reading, or designing CNC projects.

I do this work because I believe that access to information is an essential right, and that nurturing the wisdom to use that information can bring about self-emancipation. Getting the right books into the hands of a curious student—or the right tools into the hands of a student with an idea—is all I want to do in this world.

Email: jstallings@tsas.org

Room: Collegiate Commons

Educational Background:

  • Master of Library and Information Studies from the University of Oklahoma
  • Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from Rogers State University