This month, join TSAS in celebrating those in our school and broader community who share Native American heritage. As a school, we will be highlighting people inside and outside our community this month as well as committing to deepening our processes of advocacy and allyship of indigenous folk at TSAS.

Since 2021, our demographic of Native American students has grown substantially. We welcome this dimension of cultural diversity and have implemented many processes and systems to welcome and support these families:

  • New launch of a TSAS Native American Student Association
  • Data study to find trends in needed support for Native American folk
  • Recruitment and hiring of representative faculty and staff
  • Support and autonomy in curricular decisions that support Native American folk

With these and other implemented actions of support and advocacy, we realize we have more to do and continue to be committed to, not just celebrating, but elevating and empowering our Native American families. This month, join us in using the lists below to patronize businesses, work with local and national organizations, and engaging processes of self-education and growth:

Tribal Resources

The list below includes tribal resource links for Oklahoma tribes. These links provide supplemental learning opportunities for students and families.