Katie McCall

Dramatic Arts and Movement Fine Arts
Photo of Katie McCall

Biographical Info

My name is Katie McCall, and I am a mother, wife, artist, teacher, and animal lover. I am known for being a kind, helpful, and detailed person with a fun personality! A perfect evening for me would include The Lawrence Welk Show on Television as I cooked dinner with food from my garden while dancing with my kids and husband from room to room. I do the work I do because I can, I should, and I will always help, guide, create, and grow towards the light. I teach so that I can learn. So much can be gained through teaching the fine arts and advocating for youth.

Email: kmccall@tsas.org

Room: Commons

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Arts Management from the University of Tulsa
  • Bachelor of Arts in Modern Dance from Texas Christian University
  • Study Abroad in Theatre, Getty Museum Studies, and Creative Writing from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Categories: High School, Middle School, Staff
Updated 8 months ago.