TSAS administration and department chairs serve as a review team for challenged controversial materials being used in the school. The following steps have been established to set out the procedures to assist the team in evaluating these materials:
- A copy of the form, Citizen’s Request for Re-evaluation of Materials, will be given to a complainant by the principal/teacher.
- The form must be completed by the complainant and returned to the school principal, who will forward the form immediately upon receipt to the Executive Director.
- The Executive Director or designee will chair the committee and will send information to each committee member within five calendar days of receipt concerning the material to be reviewed.
- The committee will be asked to evaluate the classroom materials as to whether they are consistent with the Mission Statement of the District and appropriate to the relevant student’s maturity, intellect and emotional capacities.
- The committee will read, examine, and evaluate the material as it relates to the questions on the Citizen’s Request form within 15 calendar days of a member’s receipt of the materials.
- The committee will, within ten calendar days thereafter, make a written recommendation to the Superintendent as to what disposition of the material should occur.
- A notice of the committee’s recommendation on the material will be sent to the principal, complainant, appropriate TSAS administrator, and Board of Education within three calendar days of the Executive Director’s receipt of the committee’s recommendation.
- Appeals of the committee’s recommendation by the complainant must be directed in writing to the Executive Director or designee within five calendar days after receipt of the recommendation for a final nonappealable decision to be rendered by the Executive Director or designee.
- The Executive Director or designee shall review the matter in detail and obtain such additional information that is deemed necessary by the Executive Director or designee. The Executive Director or designee shall issue a final written nonappealable decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the appeal as to what disposition of the material should occur. A copy of the decision of the shall be sent to all persons listed above.
Filing a Complaint Pursuant to Okla. Stat. tit. 70, §24-157 and Oklahoma Administrative Code 210: 10-1-23(g)
Please note the process described above is not applicable to complaints regarding Oklahoma Stat. tit. 70, §24-157 or Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:10-1-23. Any individual who has witnessed or experienced the violation of Oklahoma Stat. tit. 70, §24-158 or Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:10-1-23 and wishes to file a complaint with the District must do so by contacting the Executive Director at executivedirector@tsas.org and/or 918-828-7727.