Shannon Barry

English 6, 6th Grade Team Leader History
Photo of Shannon Barry

Biographical Info

I moved to Tulsa to teach in 2018. Along the way I’ve taught two grade levels, two subject areas, at two schools. I’m proud to call Tulsa home now with my two cats Frog and Noodle that I love as if they were human children. We enjoy watching lots of reality TV and reading all kinds of books together. I love seltzer water, trivia, and running.

I picked up a bumper sticker at a journalism convention I attended in high school of a quote from William Butler Yeats: “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.” I stuck it to the back of my bedroom door and saw it every day as I left for school. This is the philosophy that I bring into my classroom every day. I believe that education is the key to liberation in this world. I do this work because I think it’s the most important and most difficult job a person can have. It’s a honor to have the opportunity to teach kids who are not only our future, but our present.


Room: 305 A

Educational Background:

  • I studied secondary education and English at Drury University for two years before moving to Chicago to concentrate my studies in fiction writing at Columbia College Chicago where I earned my Bachelor’s degree.
Categories: Middle School, Staff
Updated 7 months ago.