Dr. Dillon Hawkins

AP English Literature and Composition, Critical Communication, Introduction to Film Studies, Experimental Literature and Writing English
Photo of Dr. Dillon Hawkins

Biographical Info

Hailing originally from the DC Metropolitan area, I moved to Oklahoma in 2011 to attend graduate school and never left. So I guess this is home now? I’m an enthusiast of vinyl (listening to and collecting), hockey (watching and playing), books (“Obnoxiously well read,” per a source), movies, baking, chess, and playing the guitar and harmonica, just to name a few. (Some people say I collect hobbies.) I am also a big fan of dogs, especially my two dummies: Scout and Mabel.

I am a teacher of English because I believe in the mission of the humanities. The humanities, as I understand them, seeks to explore human experience and to appreciate and interrogate human accomplishments and failures so we may better understand our contemporary moment. More importantly, the humanities are forward-looking: it looks to where we are going, not just where we have been and where we are. In my English classes, I hope to foster dialogue and the necessary communicative skills through an engagement with literature and writing of all kinds so that my students can ultimately learn from the past and experiences of others to create a better and more equitable future for themselves and others.

Email: dhawkins@tsas.org

Room: 113 A

Educational Background:

    • PhD in English, Oklahoma State University
    • M.A. in English, Oklahoma State University May 2014
    • B.S. in Mass Communication, Shepherd University
Categories: High School, Staff
Updated 7 months ago.