Emily Brinton

Middle School Special Education Coordinator Support
Photo of Emily Brinton

Biographical Info

I spent Kindergarten and 5th grade in German public schools because my mother was participating in a teaching exchange. My absolute favorite place to be is in nature. I enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, and kayaking the most. I collect rocks, bones, and whatever else strikes me as “cool” from my hikes. As a child, my dream was to be a professional ballroom dancer or anything in the equine profession.

I work with our kids because my life and career goal has always been to do whatever I can to be an ally and help support those who are faced with greater life and educational challenges. I truly believe all people are capable of learning and flourishing in their lives, provided they are given the opportunity, no matter their individual circumstances. Being able to help provide those opportunities is why I do what I do.

Email: ebrinton@tsas.org

Room: 310

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Science in Education from Northeastern State University


Categories: Middle School, Staff
Updated 7 months ago.