Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying: TSAS specifically prohibits harassment, intimidation, and bullying of or by any student on school grounds, in school vehicles, at school-sponsored activities, or at school-sanctioned events. “Harassment, intimidation, and bullying” means any physical act, gesture, verbal or written expression communicated electronically or in any other way, that a reasonable person knows or should know would either harm a student or place a student in reasonable fear of harm or damage another student’s property, or insult or demean any student or group or students and/or disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student. 

Harassment, intimidation and bullying through Electronic communication are likewise prohibited. “Electronic communication” is defined as the communication of any written, verbal, or pictorial information by means of an electronic device. 

A specific electronic communication, such as audio, text, social media content, imagery, or any other digital message, does not need to originate at school or with school equipment to be included under this policy if it is specifically directed at students or school personnel and contains harassment, intimidation or bullying. 

Copies of this policy will be made available upon request to parents, students or other interested parties. 

Harassing or discriminating against any students or staff because of inquests concerning and related to suspected drug use. 

Violent and Assaultive Behavior: All students and staff have the right to be safe from verbal or physical assaults, threatening or harassing behavior, or any type of bullying or intimidation. TSAS recognizes that sexual harassment violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and has established procedures and policies, which address such incidents. The State of Oklahoma has enacted other laws to protect victims in these situations. The TSAS will pursue prosecution by the appropriate agencies wherever necessary. 

Categories of Offenses

  • Use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance or other conduct which interferes with school purposes. This includes urging other students to engage in such conduct. 
  • Sexual harassment or abuse. 
  • Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury or intentionally behaving in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to any person. 
  • This includes driving dangerously on school property or during a school-related activity. 
  • Possessing, handling or transmitting any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon. Reasonable and justified suspicion by a teacher or other staff member may result in search and seizure according to and in compliance with the law. 
  • Threatening or harassing verbal assault 
  • Bullying, fighting, striking or in any way harming another 
  • Sexual assault/battery, indecent exposure, sexting, lewd proposals and/or videos 
  • Threatening or harassing behavior mentioning weapons or death 
  • Direct attack with a weapon 

Complaint Investigation and Communication Process

  • Relevant staff will be included in an investigation to include statements, interviews, electronic evidence, and camera footage. This process will take time based on the evidence available and personnel involved.
  • Parents and guardians will be notified as soon as possible of relevant details, consequences, and boundaries for all parties moving forward. All dimensions of this process will be executed in alignment with relevant policies on student confidentiality and FERPA.
  • The TSAS progressive discipline policy will be used to administer restorative justice practices where necessary.

All bullying or harassment complaints should go to this form. Additional recourse can be gained by emailing Dean of Students, Rebecca Ortiz at rortiz@tsas.org. TSAS requires that a school employee who reasonably suspects a person is a target of bullying shall report it to the principal or designee.

Additional Contacts as Necessary

  • Dr. Dan Hahn – TSAS Principal at dhahn@tsas.org
  • Dr. Liesa Smith – TSAS Head of School at lsmith@tsas.org
  • Counseling Referral