We can’t wait to see you all again! All TSAS families will complete the steps below during orientation—feel free to read over the documentation beforehand. Dates and times for this and all other TSAS events are available at tsas.org/calendar

You are welcome to complete and print off any forms before orientation, but we will have copies for you to sign if you’d rather wait. If you have questions, please bring them with you or email info@tsas.org

Free/Reduced Lunch Form
Fill out free/reduced lunch forms here:

Read about how to put money on your lunch account HERE

Phone Policy

Phones at TSAS must be kept away during all instructional times. Phones may only be used in the main office, a principal’s office, or the dean’s office during classes. Read more at TSAS.org/handbook.

Student Handbook

Each student and parent will agree to abide by the Student Handbook.

Safety at TSAS

Students and parents click here to learn about safety at TSAS.

Choose a Locker (HS only)

All HS students must supply their own combination lock in order to receive a locker—please bring this with you to Orientation. Middle school students are required to have a locker. All students may sign up for a locker here.

School Supplies (MS Students)

Students should bring their supplies from the list to Orientation to store in their locker.

Gradebook and Schedules

The TSAS grade book is located at tsas.org/gradebook. Instructions for logging in and checking schedules are here.

Technology at TSAS

Sixth and 8th grade students will use Chromebooks available in their classrooms. All other students are required to check out a device for the year, or bring their own. Students and families agree to the Acceptable Use policy. Chromebooks are available for checkout during orientation.

Home Language Survey (New Students)

All new families must complete the Home Language Survey. Read the English version here and the Spanish version here.

Special Education Program

Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences practices an inclusive educational model generating positive outcomes for all students in the general education environment. Read more here.

Parent Involvement

Consider joining the Friends of TSAS to be deeply involved with supporting and guiding the school. Email dsharples@tsas.org for more info or visit their page.

Work at TSAS

Substitutes needed! Apply here.