Hector Torres

Instrumental Music Fine Arts
Photo of Hector Torres

Biographical Info

I do wop do wop, shoobe do be do wop do wop, music. I can’t complain. Helping out stars shine on the big stages of life. It’s ok to like Nickleback in my class. We might even play some too, among many other types of music from around the world. We are not a traditional music program. We start bands, write original content, and perform it at real venues.

It’s too much fun. Besides teaching, I tend to explore the world as much as possible. I was Born in Colombia and taught elementary school in San Francisco before moving back to Tulsa.

Email: htorres@tsas.org

Room: 123

Educational Background

  • Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Oklahoma State University
Categories: High School, Middle School, Staff
Updated 9 months ago.